When you and your family struggle financially, you may not have the funds for paying a cell phone bill. You also may not have the means to have a landline installed in your home and pay its bill every month. Still, you need a way to make and receive phone calls....
Using the Lifeline Phone Service Can Provide You With a Free Smartphone
Are you finding it challenging to afford a smartphone? If you're currently on a low income, you may be receiving help from one or more government assistance programs. Doing so can make you eligible to receive a free smartphone through the Lifeline phone service that's...
How to Get the Right Office Phone System
If you run a business, communication is an absolute necessity. Even though we live in the information age, voice-based communication is still the norm. People will always need to speak over a phone system to fully communicate their thoughts and plans. Therefore, every...
The Facts About Office Phone Systems
Whether you’ve already decided to install an office phone system into your business or are still on the fence about it, there’s a lot you should consider beforehand. You never want to jump into a decision, especially one that affects your business operations, without...
Hoarding Is a Terrible Mental Illness
Hoarding is a real mental illness and in a recent study it was shown that 6% or 19 million Americans struggle with it on a daily basis. While little is understood about this illness it has been generally found that it runs in families and is passed down from one...