Learn About the Defining Characteristics of a Mezzanine Floor

by | Aug 27, 2019 | Construction & Contractors

At some point, you have likely entered a building with a mezzanine floor. The term mezzanine has its origins in Italy. In the Italian language, the word stands for the middle. In terms of flooring, it typically describes the middle floor between two main floors of a structure. In most cases, you’ll find that the mezzanine is not even included in the total floor count. Read on to find out more about the characteristics of a mezzanine floor in Austin, TX.

How Mezzanine Floors Are Used

Most buildings will use a mezzanine floor as an additional storage space. Thus, you are likely to see some sort of shelving system in conjunction with the floor. Some buildings will have long span shelving either below or above the floor. This makes it easy to make your work or living space more efficient.

In retail applications, some companies use mezzanines to add more sales space. The additional floor space can replace an area that was previously used for inventory storage. These mezzanines areas can also be used to house offices, or company staff lounge areas.

In industrial settings, mezzanines are most often used to provide office space. They can be easily placed in a warehouse. As mentioned, this allows for the bottom half to be used to store items. Most applications use rack supports and are roll formed. This creates a solid structure that you can rely on. If you need more storage in an industrial plant setting, consider a mezzanine floor Austin, TX.

A Word on Fire Safety

When installing a mezzanine floor, be sure that you comply with the applicable safety regulations. This includes having a proper fire response strategy. Many mezzanine floors use emergency lighting coupled with fire detection systems. In addition, sprinklers and fire walls can be installed. Fire safety is especially important if the second floor will be used to house employees.

Starting on a Mezzanine Floor

Mezzanine floors allow you to be more creative with your company’s space. Whether you need extra space for retail, warehousing or other industries, a mezzanine floor is a simple solution that provides immediate benefits. Take the time to plan accordingly to ensure that the floor will be safe and durable for years to come.

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