New Siding and Roofing in Westport, CT, Transforms the Look of an Old House

by | Mar 23, 2020 | Roofing Contractor

Contractors providing both siding and roofing services in Westport, CT, can transform the look of an older house, making it look almost like a newly constructed building. Some homeowners schedule this work soon after they buy a house. The place is ideal in every way except that the roof is decades old and an exterior cosmetic upgrade is desirable.

Vinyl Siding and Asphalt Shingles

Vinyl siding and asphalt shingles are the most popular materials for exterior home improvement. A contractor providing roofing services in Westport, CT, also can change the pitch of the roof if the customers feel it is too low. There may be concerns about snow accumulation or they may prefer the appearance of homes with steeper-pitched roofing. Choosing markedly different colors than the current siding and shingles is a large part of the transformation.

New Gutters and Fascia

New gutters and fascia can be installed during this project by the same contractor. Old gutters may have become dilapidated, and wood fascia may have started to rot away if it had not been properly maintained. Gutters are available in several colors to complement the siding and roof.


This work will rejuvenate an old house that is in reasonably good condition but could benefit from some updates. Neighbors and regular passersby will be impressed when they see the final results. The homeowners will feel pleased every day when they return and see the house from a distance. These projects can be completed by the contractor Fairfield County Exteriors.

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