When a Remanufactured Transmission Makes Sense in Omaha

by | Dec 12, 2019 | Automotive

The cost of repairing major vehicle parts climbs every year. Many vehicle owners have to finance basic car repairs, and that only raises initial repair costs. However, there is hope. You don’t have to pay the most expensive auto transmission repair Omaha NE requires. A remanufactured transmission is just what you may need.

Remanufactured Part Quality

When a company remanufactures a transmission, they take it apart, clean it, replace worn parts, and put it back together. A shop repair may only replace a defective part. A remanufactured transmission is transitioned to a “like new” condition. Many of these units come with an impressive warranty.

Cost Benefits

Transmission repairs require a technician to dismantle the entire unit, find the problem, and fix it. This may cost thousands of dollars in their time alone. Businesses that sell refurbished transmissions are able to offer their parts at a much lower cost, and replacing your broken transmission with a remanufactured one may save you hundreds of dollars – or even more.

Finding Remanufactured Transmissions

When looking for a facility that carries remanufactured transmissions and engines, do not get this confused with shops that only “refurbish” mechanical parts. A remanufactured unit uses genuine OEM parts and is completely taken apart and put back together. Refurbished parts may only be cleaned.

Kosiski Auto Parts is Omaha’s premiere remanufactured and recycled parts center. We carry a full line of remanufactured engines and transmissions for nearly every vehicle made after 1985. Don’t pay the most expensive auto transmission repair Omaha NE offers — see us first.

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